5 things i’ve learned since becoming a boy mom | guest post

5 Things I’ve Learned Since Becoming a Boy Mom (x2!)

Good morning, Fueling Mamahood friends! First off, let me introduce myself- my name is Kaity and I blog at (Bee)autiful Blessings about motherhood, books, home and all things Ohio! Once upon a time, Lindsey and I became blogger friends when we both started writing for Dayton Moms Blog. Now that she is in the midst of that precious newborn fog with baby Miller, I thought I would share some of the things I’ve learned since becoming a boy mom times two!

1. Boys like anything with wheels.

When I was pregnant with my first baby, I totally thought I was going to be super feminist Mommy whose boys took dance classes and played with dolls. Through no encouragement (or discouragement) from me, literally everything my toddler loves has wheels. He is obsessed with lawn mowers, tractors, trucks, and even our vacuum cleaner! I’ve learned to accept it, and am more than happy to let him watch me mow the lawn if it means he’s still for 30 minutes!

2. Boys really do develop slower than girls.

My two year-old, Charlie has a female cousin who is just six weeks younger. Charlie is one smart cookie, but his cousin has “beaten” him to literally every single developmental milestone. It can be challenging not to compare the two of them, so it’s been helpful for me to remind myself that boys and girls really do learn at different speeds.

3. I had no clue about the male anatomy.

Okay, how do I say this without completely humiliating myself or my children? Having never had a certain body part, I’ve learned a lot from having boys. I honestly didn’t know that boys can get umm…excited? as early as two weeks old. I thought that didn’t happen until boys hit puberty, so imagine my surprise when it happened the first time while I was changing my infant’s diaper!

4. Boy clothes just aren’t as cute.

I am so happy being a boy mom and am completely content with the knowledge that I most likely will never have a daughter of my own. However, if ever there was a reason for me to feel like I’m missing out on not being a girl mom, it’s clothes. Girl clothes are the cutest! When you look at the much smaller, less colorful boys’ clothing section, it can be a bit of a bummer. Though I will never pass on the opportunity for my boys to rock suspenders or a bow tie!

5. Boys have so much energy!

Neither me or my sister were ever super active children, preferring to play Barbies or read by ourselves. Charlie’s female cousin will also curl up in your lap and allow you to read to her for hours on end. Not Charlie. This kid has energy for days! Anywhere he can run, he’s running to. Anything he can climb, he’s climbing. Though he will occasionally look at his picture books, he has not yet developed the attention span to sit still and read with us. I’ve had to learn to roll with the punches and just chase him wherever he leads me!

Though I never expected to be a boy mom, I can’t begin to describe how much I love it. Charlie and Crosby are my two biggest blessings and I wouldn’t trade my crazy, chaotic and messy days with them for the world. I’m so excited for Lindsey to experience the wonder of being a boy Mama for the first time. I know I have!

Kaity is a nonprofit professional-turned-SAHM. She is a Hufflepuff, bookworm, and aspiring runner/home decorator. She believes in the curative powers of fresh air, dark chocolate and counting her blessings. She blogs about motherhood, books, home and Ohio at (Bee)autiful Blessings. If you’d like to follow along with more of my boy mom adventures, come visit me:

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