a letter to our donor | made with love

i never imagined i would be writing this letter, that our life would look the way it does. i never imagined a miscarriage. cancer. infertility.
i never imagined you. our donor.

it wasn’t an easy decision. one that took us quite some time to finally make. but, there we were. sitting on the couch with a glass of wine and a beer. searching through a catalog to find..you, our donor.
it was weird. how do you sit and pick from a catalog, someone who looks like your spouse. someone you think is ‘fit’ to be the other half of your children’s genes?


as i sit here, a little over two years later, it comes easy, because you, well you have blessed us beyond any words i could ever write.
how do you thank someone who gave you life? who gave you two lives?
you completed our family. you made us whole. you made a family. filled a void we never even knew we had.


these two little girls? see, they were chosen.
they were made with love.

made with love

some day, they will know.  we have vowed to never keep who they are, from them. why would we?
you chose hope.
you chose life.
you chose love.

made with love

we’ll probably never know you and who knows if you will ever know our sweet girls, but if you do, you would be proud. you would see these beautiful, happy, full of life little girls.


i never imagined writing this letter.

but i could never imagine my life without you.

thank you.
from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


our sweet babes? they were made with love.



bows: missmagpie originals  

shirts: river & grace co

pants: carters

8 thoughts on “a letter to our donor | made with love

  1. You are a strong and a lovely woman. Your girls will be proud of you…they were made with love, they will grow up with this divinal feeling in their life. The letter was so touching that I cried for joy. God bless you and your adorable family.

  2. Sitting in an airport crying after reading this Beautiful letter…..very special from the heart – nicely done .??

  3. I am a previous donor. As years pass from my donations, I’ve been able to deeply reflect on the whole thing more (and connect with other donors to share our collective experiences). Just know there’s this whole other side to the world of third-party reproduction out there too. If you haven’t already, I strongly suggest signing up for the Donor Sibling Registry.

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