naming baby brother

..oh, our sweet baby boy..
we’re anxiously awaiting your arrival and i’m praising God for each and every day you are safely inside my belly…so keep on staying comfy in there.. you have pleeenty of time.  you’re already showing how easily you’ll transition into our perfectly imperfect family and have made me appreciate what a normal + healthy pregnancy feels like.
i’m dreaming of your sweet little toes, those precious little cheeks and who’s little nose you will take after.  the snuggles. the smell of your little head, and those beautiful eyes i can’t wait to gaze into.
all the lovies i will steal, the giggles your daddy will bring and how your big sisters will probably kiss every inch of your being and tickle your tummy, in awe of how perfect God created you. a baby brother. so perfect for us.

there are so many things i am sure of, and yet so much uncertainty that still lies ahead.
one thing has remained the same since the very beginning… your name.

.miller lee cline.

three of the most important names for three of the most influential men in my life.

named after my grandparents, this name holds more wisdom than i could ever put into words.  our poppa, kenneth miller, is someone that you’ll be proud to be named after. the wisest man i think i have ever known and loved by more people than you could ever imagine.  he’s dedicated, loves the Lord and passionate about life and his family.  he married into our family but will forever be my poppa and and one of the most amazing men in my life.  i’ll never forget telling him your name before he went into surgery for his cancer to be removed and there were many tears when we got the news he’d still be here to meet you come june.  if there’s one thing i hope you will get from him, it’s his wisdom.

the second most important man in my life, the one who raised me and walked me down the aisle, my daddy. you’ll share this middle name with some others in our family and for good reason.. it is respected. i was pretty doubtful we would ever be using this one and had actually talked about changing the spelling to use it for another girl.  there was a time we weren’t sure if we would ever get to actually be parents…let alone twin girls. and then again for a baby boy?! the best name we could have ever decided on… and we chose your grandpa…and your great-grandpa.  you’ll learn so much from this man… but if i had to choose one thing, i hope you’ll learn to be a hard worker.

this one is easy….but it deserves so much more explanation because it comes from the man who is number one in my life… your daddy. it seems simple, but there are many things you need to know about this name. you will be proud to be a ‘cline’ and you’ll wear it boldly someday on the back of your uniform.
strength. selflessness. optimism. dedication. humor.
when your daddy had a choice, he chose you. we chose you. we wanted you and we will forever love you. there’s honor in a name that has some of the strongest men i’ve ever met. the most loving + faithful men. who choose their family above all else and love with their whole hearts.  who work from when the sun comes up until it goes back down to provide for their families. you will learn so much from watching your daddy, uncle, pappaw’s and hearing the stories of the one’s who are watching over you in heaven.  you will be proud to be a ‘cline’ and if i was naive enough to think you’d only learn one thing from your daddy, i hope you would learn to love the Lord with all of your heart and to seek to know Him more deeply.

miller lee, you are more loved than you could ever possibly know.
i’ve said your name thousands of times already but there’s something about making it known that makes it more real. i’ll keep dreaming of those sweet cheeks and you keep hanging tight in there. these big sister’s send all their love.

personalized name hats c/o | KNOTSLLC
littlest tee | river & grace co.
numbers swaddle blanket c/o | milk snob


your mommy

54 thoughts on “naming baby brother

  1. What a sweet, meaningful name! Your little boy is so loved already and that is shown through the great care you have already taken in naming him! Congratulations again!

  2. Miller is gonna love his name for all the reasons you gave in this post, but also for it’s uniqueness. When I meet a teen or young adult with a unique name, I ask them if they like their name and they always say YES! ???

  3. Love this post! Love the outfit layout along with the explanation. We are on boy #3 and boy names are super tricky!

    1. Aw thanks, Beth!! I’d be lost for a boy name after this one..hehe any boy tips…send them my way!! 😉

    1. Aw thanks so much, Erin! 🙂 We chose middle names for our girls from our family, but I’m excited all 3 of his names now have meaning 🙂

  4. Oh Lord. This. This is why I can’t read your posts at work. Because every time I end up in tears. This is beautiful. Love you and love that new baby boys already!!!

    1. You’re so funny… and thank you 🙂 He’s going to have the best aunty in the world :* :* :*

  5. Love the thought you have put into Miller’s name. So special just like he will be. ?❤

    1. Aw, thanks so much, Abbey… I love love love her name… I can’t wait to see that sweet girl!!

  6. This is beautiful. I love how you chose his names and how you wrote the qualities you want him to inherit from those he is named after. I did the same with my kids and was looking for what I wrote about my oldest and I don’t know where it is now because I didn’t have a blog back then. So I like that you wrote this here for that reason too!

    1. Aw, thank you so much, mama… I know, I was sooo bad at a baby book with the girls and now am so mad I didn’t start blogging until they were over 6 months old!!! So hard to remember all of it now!!

  7. Lindsey, this brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful name and so sweet how you chose each name. What a beautiful legacy for your baby boy!

    1. You’re so sweet, Cecilia, thank you so much for your kind words :* :* We’re so very excited 🙂

  8. How sweet and adorable is this! I love how you broke it down on why your sweet baby boy will be named his name. Love it!!!

  9. This is so sweet!! I love the deep, rich meaning behind each part of his name! Praying that all his years are used for God’s glory! 🙂 Blessings!

  10. Congratulations on choosing a name–and on the soon-to-come addition to your family! So exciting!

  11. Congratulations on picking a name! I feel like it is one of the more crucial/stressful decisions since it will be with him forever! Such a sweet name and I love the descriptions behind it!

    1. Thank you, Sarah! It really is one of the most stressful decisions! 🙂 Nice to have one of thousands of decisions made 😉

    1. Aw, you’re so sweet, thank you! Congrats on your sweet boy… I can’t wait to see pictures! 🙂 Hehe you’ll find the most perfect name!

  12. I LOVE the name. Love that you documented the reasoning behind the name too. 🙂

  13. I love this! We always pick meaningful family names for our kids’ middle names too.

    1. I love it, Justine! The girls each have our moms/sisters middle names, but this I’m excited to have all 3 parts be family 🙂

  14. Um… wow. You made me tear up with this post! I love love love the name and the meaning behind it. I can tell you love your baby boy so much already, and it’s so cool to see how you are already pointing him to the Lord!

    1. Aw, thanks so much for your kind words, Rebecca!! 🙂 We’re so anxiously awaiting his arrival! 🙂

  15. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Miller as a first name, but I like it! I think it is wonderful that you put so much thought and heart into what to name him.

  16. this is adorable! I love using the last name as a first name! very special name for what I am sure is going to be a very special boy!

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