hello and happy friday!! fall is upon us and i don’t know about you, but i could literally sit in bed with coffee and not budge for another 3 hours. turns out…two toddlers say otherwise ...Read More
if you’ve been around here for any length of time, you know my obsession with Stitch Fix. then just when i thought i couldn’t love this little service any more, these amazing folks out d...Read More
good mornin, sunshine! it sure is a monday and i am feeeeelin’ it! did you have a good weekend?! anything fun or exciting?! before we head into our usual meal planning monday, here’s a lit...Read More
good moooorning friday!! i’ve been fighting a cold all week and it has wiped me on my tush…early bed times, waking through the night. it just doesn’t lend itself to toddlers, so i...Read More
good morning, friend! i hope you’re having a fantastic week so far..did you have monday off?! zach is a teacher and his school was one of the lucky ones who had off so the girls and i took full ...Read More
fall is officially upon us and we soaked up every bit of it this weekend… and i have plenty of pictures to prove it. i feel like it was just september and here we are, a third of the way through...Read More
wake up, san francisco! full house, anyone? crickets.. annnd moving on to…friday!! i’m super behind today because earlier this week my beloved macbook crashed. wah. wah. still waiting to g...Read More
i never imagined i would be writing this letter, that our life would look the way it does. i never imagined a miscarriage. cancer. infertility. i never imagined you. our donor. it wasn’t an...Read More
every once in awhile, it’s nice to document a typical day and a favorite blogger of mine, amber over at pb+j babes, does this from time to time and it’s some of my favorite posts! the pics...Read More
good morning and happy fri-YAY! this week has been a short one and we have crammed in as much as humanly possible! my sister was in town from nashville with her little and we always try to cram in eve...Read More