easter basket love | Kortni Jeane + Target GIVEAWAY!

easter is less than a week away and i’m so excited to finally pull together all the details to bring you our easter baskets for this year with a SUPER fun kortni jeane + target {or amazon!} G I V E A W A Y!

scroll down to enter… 1 lucky winner will receive a $100 shop credit to our favorite, kortni jeane AND $100 to target or amazon!

with maisley’s early arrival, our baskets were put on hold but luckily, i had already bought almost everything for the kids baskets…and shared almost all of it on instagram a few weeks ago! i raided the target dollar spot when they had the sweetest spring items which made for the most perfect basket fillers that aren’t candy…and almost everything had 3 different design options making for the perfect trio for our 3 older babes. affordable + quality items for your babes.. you can mix + match for the perfect little set up!

knowing we are officially done having kids, i wanted to splurge on permanent easter baskets this year that are personalized for each babe. i love to stuff them with goodies so i wanted something that was neutral, personalized with a little detail! these pom baskets were exactly what i was looking for {and are on sale!!}!

maisley’s arrival was up in the air and while she wasn’t really supposed to be here until after easter, i went ahead and planned as if she was going to be…and thank goodness because she’ll already be a whole month old…and still not to her due date! since she will just be a sleeping little babe on easter, i kept it simple + practical with her basket… a book, the sweetest swimsuit i’ve ever seen from kortni jeane,  the most precious bunny bonnet on the planet, my favorite summer onesies, the best pacifier clips, a simple + gorgeous bow, and a few basic jams.

i had SO much fun with miller’s basket this year… he’s into the big kid toys this year and wants everything that the big girls have. we have a big garden and spend a lot of time with the flowers which means mills needs his own set of garden tools + gloves this year! of course coordinating swimmers with the girls, a pair of jams and a book along with the other dollar spot finds: bandaids, gardening gloves, ‘window glass’ painting, a ceramic bug painting, a wooden bird house to paint, bubble bath paint and a garden stake!

lila + piper basically got the same items in their baskets other than most of lila’s items are pink, while piper’s are blue. of course i started with coordinating kortni jeane swimmers… they are hands down my favorite swimmers for the babes and their newest line with the prettiest patterns are amazing!! i also included the sweetest books about easter from the bernstein bears and dollar spot finds include: a bird house to paint, gardening gloves, a bug house, garden stake, a ceramic insect to paint, ‘window glass’ paint, flower pot to paint, bandaids, and the cutest, spring-iest striped jams!

G I V E A W A Y !

i’m super excited to team up with kortni jeane to offer one lucky winner $100 KJ shop credit + $100 to target..just in time to shop the dollar spot for your last minute easter basket needs!!
giveaway will end wednesday 4/17 12am and winner will be announced at 7am!


30 thoughts on “easter basket love | Kortni Jeane + Target GIVEAWAY!

  1. I’m done shopping for Easter baskets I think – but haven’t thrown it all together yet! And just got my first suit from KJ – hoping it’s love!!

  2. Love these ideas! Where are your pacifier clips from? I’ve been searching for cute ones!

    1. These are from Ryan + Rose and they’re my FAVORITES! They’re SUCH great quality… I just updated the links for you, I thought I had them!! 🙂

  3. This is so great!! Mom of seven and haven’t started!!! My family has shared sicknesses. Ugh!

  4. I love the sweet little baskets! I’ve almost completed our four baskets and used quite a bit of Target dollar spot too!

  5. Thank you for sharing you life, intimate family moments, and journey through mommahood with us! Enjoy seeing your family grow. Though I don’t know your personally, I met your husband through goldfish swim briefly when we were taking our little girl there & pretty sure we’ve crossed paths while at the Y inEnglewood. Thanks again for sharing all you do!

  6. These baskets are soooo cute!! Target spot for the win!!! Half of Beckett and Lucy’s baskets are from there too 🙂

  7. I just finished up last night! Both of the girls have Ryan & Rose in their baskets as well – Guinevere (2.5) got a clip for her baby dolls paci and Juliette (6 months) got the new yellow paci with a clip and the punch cutie tensils!

  8. I have not done my Easter baskets yet. I have stuff but that’s as far as I have gotten😜

  9. My friend Jenny sewed up some really, really cute little fabric bunnies and I’m giving one to each of the boys! We do an egg hunt at church so we don’t do too big of a deal at home.

  10. Such a great idea! Totally hit the Target spot
    For gardening tools. Also added books about flowers and the new book “we are the Gardners” by Joanna Gaines. Thanks for the tips!

  11. I do have my baskets done. I have Ester Price candy, some bubbles and Play Do

  12. I was so excited to shop for Easter basket ideas for Ellie, I had no idea how much more fun it is giving them than receiving! So many good non-candy options this year ☺️ My mom loves (and I’m learning 😂) to garden so we went with a theme too!

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