life lately

Well, hiiii! Gosh, it’s been a LONG time… summer, homeschoolin 6 kids, running {and expanding} my business… y’all it’s been a LOT! Honestly, I’ve missed this space but when life has gotten crazy, something had to give! Welcome to parenting, motherhood, being an entrepreneur  etc… SO WHAT’S NEW?!


While we’re ‘taking the summer off’, the kids are SO excited about our new curriculum, they’re literally begging us to get back, so we’re going to be doing a day or 2 each week, then September, it’s back on! Just like the past 4 years {wow, I did the math on that too many times – it’s hard to believe it’s been that long!!}, I’m homeschooling my 2 nephews {my sister’s 2 boys} so we will officially have a Kindergartner, 2nd grader, 3 4th graders {yes, we call them the triplets!!}, and a 6th grader!!

I have a post coming all about our schedule, routine and curriculum!


I’m fully embracing being in our sports era right now.. the big girls play club soccer {Lila plays midfield and Piper plays goalie} and are starting with a new team. They have summer conditioning and then will start the full season next month!

The Crew

The most important job I’ve been called to… bein a mama to this crew is simply my greatest joy. It’s an honor to wake up and be able to shepherd these humans and honestly, everyone is in such a great space!! A more in-depth  update is comin on the babes, but for now, everyone is healthy + happy and getting WAY TOO BIG, WAY TOO FAST!!!!


If you’ve been around for any length of time, you know I love some good goals and at the beginning of January, I decided it was time to prioritize my health. Mental. Physical. Emotional.. gosh, so much more is to come here, but this is what 5 months of prioritizing my health looks like. If you’re on a similar journey, or wanting to be, stay tuned because I’m here for being the best version of myself!!

Currently, I’m training for a half marathon and looooving it! Of course, I’m still on my Peloton for some cross training, but I’m loving being back in my running sneaks and getting my miles back up!


This landscape has changed so much since I started this blog almost 9 years ago 😳 … from not even realizing you could make money online to it becoming a full time gig, this. space. has. changed. If you were here in years past, you also know I used to show up here a LOT more consistently, but, life has changed and so has my business! If you’ve followed me on Instagram, you’ve seen how over the years, affiliate marketing has become a normal part of my job – finding the best products, brands, etc. that we use on a daily basis, then sharing it with you!! It’s always an honor to have your trust and your referrals with your friends and family!

Over the years, I’ve had so many women {and men!} reach out asking me to help them start a blog, start an Instagram page – basically ‘How in the world do I make an income online?!’. And while I started to train people, what I realized is: while you certainly CAN be in this space and make a ton of money, it takes SO MUCH WORK…. All at the same time, I fell in LOVE with the journey of ditching toxins, getting our family healthier + happier, found a company that I love and could make money sharing about – and more importantly?? TEACH OTHER WOMEN + MEN HOW TO MAKE MONEY DOING THE SAME THING!

It’s something that lights my soul on fire… teaching others how to make money online. Yes, many people have full time jobs. Yes, others are stay at home moms. Most do not have a social media presence already… but yes, YOU can be successful… and of course, NO, this is NOT for everyone, and that’s OK!!!

So much more on this to come.. so if you’re interested in monetizing social media or making an income online, stay tuned because it’s going to get good!!


Here’s to new beginnings – this space has always been a creative outlet for me and I so appreciate you being here! Here’s what you can expect in the coming weeks:

How I Manage Anxiety
EMDR :: Overcoming PTSD
How to Monetize Social Media
Reset | Losing 13lb. by NOURISHING
Homeschooling 6 Kids | Routines
Homeschool Curriculum | A Change
Hair Loss | Healthy Hair
Protein Snacks for Mamas on the Go
… and SO much MORE!…

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