3 sick babes vs. 1 mama | mamahood confessions

guys. it’s been a week. no…a MONTH. i’ve consumed more coffee in the last 2 weeks than could possibly be good for me. BUT we’re alive and i’m happy to say we’ve made it out alive!!
we’re coming off a very long week with the flu here and are headed out shortly to our repeat dentist appointment from the disastrous one a few months ago {you know, where my boob was flopping about in the middle of me silent screaming at one of the girls}……which reminded me. it’s time for some mama confessions!

shoutout to my girl, food hussy, for creating this fun little graphic for these posts! thanks hussy!

me {panicked that miller wasn’t where i left him, yelling at the girls}: guys! where is mills?!
piper {looking around}: “he right there mom! he eatin’ yo boob!”
me: …right.

we were at the pediatrician’s office/hospital 4 times in 5 days. enough said.

i took the kids to McDonald’s drive through for lunch last week to get out of the house.

on day 5 of fevers, lila’s on the couch crying because her body hurts and miller is hysterical on the floor while i’m trying to suction him…and then i hear screaming/crying from the kitchen and turned around to see piper on the counter throwing up, crying that her mouth is burning…and come to find out she ate hand sanitizer {that i had put ‘out of reach’..ha.} because it smelled like strawberries.
another call to poison control.
{she was fine.}

lilla {to the nurse}: mama have a baby in her beh-wee!
nurse: aw, congratulations mama!
me: wait, what?! lila don’t tell people that! no, i don’t!
i still don’t think she believed me.

i call the pediatricians office.
‘oh hi lindsey! who are you calling for today?!’
**they are literally the nicest people in the WORLD and she absolutely was not being rude…it’s just hilarious they know who we are this month**
…and on that note, the doc gave me a hug after the 3rd time she saw us in 3 days.
…and our other doc offered to go get coffee for me from downstairs…
i may or may not have called 4 nights in a row between the hours of 11pm and 4am… but at least felt better when they said while they often get ridiculous calls that can wait until 8am… i was justified in calling..none the less, ridiculous.

the school psych for our district was at our house for piper’s evaluation for preschool…and it was a DAY. the girls were being terrrrrrrible.
lila went potty and immediately started screaming BUGGGGYYYYYYSSSS. i walk in and see the entire bath tub floor 75% covered in ants. i start panicking then remembered piper had spilled a glass of juice and while i had cleaned it up, i didn’t realize that it spilt into the tub…
g r o s s
so i quickly grab 409 {don’t ask.} and spray away, close the door and walk out to the school psych who is still sitting on our couch…
school psych giggling: was there like a spider or something?
me: yea… something like that.

i sprayed dry shampoo in my armpits and didn’t realize until i sprayed deodorant in my hair.

me: hey babe let’s put some lotion on your skin so it stays soft!
toddler: ‘no. i don’t have skin’
me: yea you do, everyone has skin, it’s a part of your body!
toddler {now crying}: nooo, i don’t have skinnnn!!
me: it’s okay babe! everyone does…
toddler {hysterical}: i don’t have skin, i hate skin!!!!

trying to get out the door and an attempt to put pants on leads to a full blown tantrum followed by passing out in the middle of the floor.
i’m with ya girl. i hate pants too.

confessions V
confessions IV

confessions III
confessions II
confessions I

8 thoughts on “3 sick babes vs. 1 mama | mamahood confessions

  1. so many hilarities to unpack here…the hand sanitizer – hilarious. the ants – i probably would have moved!!!! we have a few ants in one of our bedrooms and we used ant traps and spray but i’m CONVINCED i’m going to open the door and it’s going to be an episode of infested! thankfully hasn’t happened…oh this made me laugh though – thanks hussy!

  2. At your expense, this was the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Love to all! ❤️🐝🐰🐾

  3. This gave me a laugh, which I desperately needed this morning. And a reminder that I’m not the only one who has rough times with my kids!

  4. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time – so well done Linds – and bless you! LOL!

  5. Aww, it’s so tough when all the kiddos get sick! I used to always feel so helpless and it was worse when I would get sick as well. Hugs to every momma out there that goes through this 💕💕

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