our independent morning routine for preschoolers

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Tooth Fairy in a Box. All opinions are 100% mine.

one of the many questions i get asked on a regular basis is how we ‘get it all done’ and major spoiler alert…we don’t! BUT a secret to having a whole gaggle of kids is teaching them to be independent with healthy habits. getting 4 kids out the door in the morning has been a major transition but we’re finally doing it successfully…so here’s our routine!

the kids are upstairs in our new house so the deal in the morning is that each step in the routine needs to be completed before they are allowed to come downstairs for breakfast or a TV show {major motivation here!}.

1. make your bed

when we got our triple bunk bed nearly a year ago, we discovered the magic of beddy’s…a zippable bed set that makes this part of the routine manageable for toddlers/preschoolers. now that we’re in our new house, we separated the beds and making their beds independently is still a breeze! the kids zip their bed up and place their pillows and buddies where they want them.. i’m not too picky here. encouraging their independence is most important!
side note… the kids rooms {as is most of the house, ha!} are not quite decorated…. the girls have a TON of built in open shelving that needs decorated and zach is going to be making barn doors to hide their ‘dressers’!

2. get dressed

depending on what is happening for the day, the girls and i either pick out their outfits the night before  or if we’re hanging at home, they choose what they want to wear. buttons/zippers are still difficult so they ask for help if necessary!

3. brush your teeth

teaching healthy oral health habits is SO important!! lila actually is getting her first cavity filled soon and i was slightly devastated. she had major fevers as a baby + early toddler which apparently destroys enamel. thankfully it won’t affect her adult teeth but we have to be extra careful now! the rule in our house {with our dentists approval}  is that the girls brush their teeth in the morning and mommy/daddy brushes them at night. we were recently introduced to Tooth Fairy in a Box which has helped tremendously when it comes to improving the girls’ independence and enjoyment with oral health care. after reading The Littelest Tooth Fairy, the girls were thrilled to find their new Oral-B electric tooth brush and kids crest toothpaste in the bathroom and the girls have been SO excited to have their first big kid toothbrush. with it’s round head it removes more plaque than a manual toothbrush, and has a built-in 2 minute timer to help them brush longer.

included in the Tooth Fairy in a Box is a brushing chart and stickers. each day, a sticker is earned for morning brushing, eating healthy snacks and bed time brushing! the girls are in charge of their stickers and take this part of their job very seriously!

 pro tips:

depending on what your routine looks like now, introduce each step one at a time until independence is achieved. THEN add the next step! for instance, if your child needs assistance for each step, only work on making their bed first. after that is achieved, then work on brushing their teeth. 

teach!! each step of this routine requires teaching. 3 year olds don’t just know how to make a bed or get dressed. practice each step of the routine until the child is confident!

Tooth Fairy in a Box

Tooth Fairy in a Box has ALL the essentials to help make learning better oral health a magical experience for your child and the tools you need to be successful…and it’s only $29 {toothbrush + toothpaste are valued at $35!}
**note: the Tooth Fairy in a Box is not intended to be ‘opened’ like a present for the child. adults should open the box and then introduce the child’s items separately.

what’s in the box?!
– The Littlest Tooth Fairy Book: the bedtime book that helps establish healthy brushing habits for life and explains the kit to the child.
– Brushing Chart + Stickers: parent’s secret tool to helping kids become a Big-Kid Brusher! this 30-day chart tracks and encourages daily habits with fun stickers.
– Tooth Holder Door Hanger: the perfect place to keep your child’s tooth safe until the Tooth Fairy visits. hang it on the bedroom door for easy collection.
– Tooth Fairy Letter + Envelope: just fold up the pre-written letter from the Tooth Fairy and place in the sparkly blue envelope for delivery.
– Parent’s Guide to Becoming an Award-Winning Tooth Fairy: an easy to follow parent’s guide that sets you up for success! it ensures your child’s Tooth Fairy visit is magical while building healthy brushing habits.
– Oral-B Kids Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush + Kid’s Crest Strawberry Rush Toothpaste (Brush and paste have a $35 retail value)

have fun!! whether you sing songs or do tickle monster, chores are always more enjoyable when you’re having fun!


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