a huge thank you to all of our service men + women who serve and have served our country so we may experience the freedom we do! let freedom ring! ..3am.. baby feet ..5am.. the sweetest alarm there ev...Read More
one of my favorite parts about being a blogger is building relationships with women in the blogging community. i’ve ‘met’ some incredible mama’s i wish i could grab coffee with...Read More
in case you missed it, monday i shared the first part of miller’s birth story, which you can read here. when i left off, i was being wheeled into the operating room for a repeat c-section after ...Read More
miller is now 10 days young and guys, my mama heart is just overflowing with love. i looked around this morning and was brought to tears {which happens at least once a day} thinking about just how ble...Read More
it’s been a whole week since our sweet baby miller came into the world. while it didn’t quite turn out exactly as planned and we didn’t get to have the VBAC we hoped {more on that ...Read More
guys, i’m super excited to share today’s post with you from guest post from guest blogger, Zara Lewis! when Zara approached me about guest posting, i was super excited she offered to wri...Read More
to the ones who made me ‘mama’, as we count down the days and hours until your baby brother is born, i have so many things i wish you knew, i wish you understood and i wish i could explain...Read More
it’s june…somehow i missed this earlier, but we’re in the final countdown + it’s baby month!! the last few weeks became so crazy busy, we literally couldn’t find a time ...Read More
happy monday, friends!! life has taken over and it feels like we’re doing everything and nothing at the same time…annnd i feel like i’ve said that before! filled with so much happi...Read More
stats: lila: piper: oh my sweet, sweet girls…it has been SUCH a fun and exciting year, i can’t even believe you’re almost a month into being 2 years old {mama’s a little behind...Read More