spa day party | girls day at home

a fun, simple and creative spa day party at home for adults and kids alike!

there is nothing quite like having a group of girlfriends… your very own tribe who loves you for you, who has your back when you need it most and who you can go through life’s ups + downs drinking coffee and wine along the way. i’ve been blessed to have best friends who have been there from diapers to high school to college and even into becoming mama’s for the first time. i wouldn’t trade them FOR THE WORLD and i’m quite honestly not sure how i would ever get through life without them.
the week after we moved into our new house, i sent out a group text to some of my best girlfriends telling them to put january 25 on the calendar for a much needed spa party at my house! it seemed so far away but something i’ve been wanting to do with my big girls {4.5 years old!} and girlfriends! i searched pinterest for a few easy spa party ideas and quickly put my own spin on it all! i honestly hadn’t put a whole lot of thought into it and was scouring amazon on thursday evening for some last minute details to pull it all together and it came together SO easy + we all had a blast!!

sources listed at the bottom of post!

the menu

cucumber water
pineapple raspberry mimosas {for the adults}
sparkling berry cider {for the kids}
turkey, ham, salami pIMG_7787inwheels with hummus
charcuterie board with various cheeses, chocolate, doughnuts, pretzels, crackers, almonds
veggetable tray with ranch and veggie dip
yogurt parfait bar with berries and granola

spa treatments


salon noir

i recently was introduced to the sweetest gal, amber, the owner of salon noir in centerville {and lebanon!}. we’re in the process of working together for such a fun collaboration {so many details coming soon!} and they recently launched their new custom line of beauty products..and spoiler alert, THEY’RE AMAZING. when i told amber i was hosting a spa day for some girlfriends, she so generously offered for us to try out their new skin care line for a solid review. this group of women are pretty tough critics when it comes to products we use on our body’s and the amount of ‘oooh’-ing that was going on paired with ‘my skin feels SO soft!” speaks volumes to the quality of the products. depending on our individual skin care needs, we were able to customize our at home facials to best suit what results we were wanting.
i’m always looking for quality products that i can feel good about using on my body and while i’m still very new to them, all of us girls were more than impressed on our first use!

with our group having 4 adults and 4 kids, we decided to do the kids facials and pedicures first, then have them take a break and play while the adults had our turn and then finish up with the kids’ nails and finally the adults nails the wrap it all up! the amount of giggling that filled the room with these four sweet souls was enough to warm all of our hearts… they felt so specialand had the best time being pampered by their mama’s and aunts.

it was such a fun dayspent with a group of girls who i love so dearly… we all declared we’re putting another date on the calendar for some more spa day fun! whether you’re looking for a fun girls night in, birthday party idea or even kids party, this spa day party is sure to be a huge hit for your relaxing day at home!

fuzzy spa headbands
neon face masks
salon noir products
sugar scrub
nail polish

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