Friday Favs #3: 10 Month Favs

IT’S F.R.I.D.A.Y.! Can I get an amen?! We’ve been spoiled with warmer weather this past week and I’m dying for it to stay!!

Going along with our usual Friday Favs, I’m going to focus primarily on our 10 month favorites for the girls! It seems like for awhile our favs for the girls were at a stand still because they were exploring and growing with the same old same old. Not anymore, can you say
c r a w l i n g??

This last month we have had SO many changes on a daily basis… I couldn’t be more proud! Piper has been mastering her army crawl and Lila just yesterday said, “da” – ahhh!!! Proud momma!! This house is quickly approaching toddler mayhem and we’re trying to get ready.  Here are a few of my favorites so far and don’t forget to add some of your favorites that I’m missing at the end!

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  1. GHD Bodysuits: I’ve raved about these before, but guys, seriously. They are the softest, stretchiest items you can put on your babe – and they actually fit the girls without swallowing them. They just released their spring colors last night…I need one in every. single. color.
  2. Little Tikes Lil’ Ocean Explorers 3-in-1 Adventure Course : This adventure course is quickly becoming a FAV in this house!! I love that you can break apart the three pieces, or have them all together. The purple octopus is Lila’s favorite toy and every time I pull it out, she quickly wiggles her way over to pull the octopus handle down to get the balls and make music!
  3. Baby food pouches: Although the girls are still getting most of their nutrition from breastmilk, they are loving being introduced to new foods! We have used a combo of regular spoon feeding and baby led weaning (more to come on this) and this is where the baby food pouches have been clutch. They LOVE being able to feed themselves and I love that they’re starting to be more independent in their eating! I don’t have a particular kind I use… typically whatever is on sale!
  4. Nuby Soft Spout Sippy Cups: These handles make it easy for the girls to drink independently, and are my go-to, without spills.  My only hesitation with these is when cleaning, I accidentally stuck my finger through the tip of one of the lids so that has an easy flow now – no big deal to me!
  5. Silicone Teething Necklaces: I wear these all. day. long. Not only are they a toy that can’t be dropped on the floor, but it also gives the girls something to grab while nursing, other than my hair, as well as provides some relief for these teething babes.
  6. Boon Bug Pod: As bath time is needing more toys, this has been a lifesaver for scooping up our bath toys and draining them too!
  7. B.O.B Revolution Flex Duallie: The girls are finally fitting into our stroller and we LOVE it!! I wanted a double jogging stroller and have been so happy with this one! We take it off-roading around our property, as well as on runs down our country roads.  It is so easy to steer and the girls love going out for trips!

Time is flying and now that the babes are movin, I feel like a whole new world is opening up!

Question: What are your must-haves for when your babes became mobile?!

Disclosure: I have NOT in any way been compensated for items in this post.  These are purely items that I love! 

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