advice for the first time mama | from your tribe

i opened up on instagram last week and asked what you wanted to know and the questions flooded in…everything from piper’s cerebral palsy to how to go days between hair washing. one of my favorite parts about instagram is the community of women in that space and when one mama asked what advice i had for a first time a first time mom, i instantly opened it up to my community. there’s no one way to be ‘mama’… so if you’re looking for some advice or some encouragement, we got you covered!

go with your gut instinct… MOMS KNOW BEST
{this came in about 15 different versions and was the #1 response… take it to heart, mama’s… TRUST YOUR GUT!}

the things you stress about now will mean nothing in the future. don’t stress every detail.

soak in every single moment and realize that each phase will come and go.

don’t forget to ask for help!!! don’t be ashamed asking.

the dishes can wait.

give yourself so much grace! there’s not 1 way to be mom. do what works for you and your baby!

it’s great if you breastfeed. it’s just as great if you bottle-feed. FED IS BEST.

nap as often as you can! and give yourself lots of grace!

it will pass: the sleep deprivation, all of it. also @takingcarababies

talk to them like their people not down on them and their communication skills will grow!

it goes too fast.

let them figure out things on their own! makes a huge difference as they get older!

do what you feel is best for you. don’t take to heart what others say you ‘should do!’

it’s okay to screw up.

every day is new and they just love you for you!

none of us have our crap together.

‘if you don’t want people to come around baby, it’s OKAY! don’t be afraid of offending!

find your mom tribe!

just because it works for one family doesn’t mean it will work for you!

take a break when you need to.

God chose YOU to be their mama.

it’s okay to not be okay…get help when you need it!

if you’re loving your baby, you’re doing it right!

they don’t want a perfect mom, they want a happy one.


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