choosing peace | a behind the scenes plan

i’m sitting here writing this, shaking my head, still in disbelief at what life looks like right now for our country. the world, even.
in full transparency, our life within the walls of our home truthfully doesn’t look much different than our typical day-to-day. sure, we’re not getting out as much as we normally do, but as a stay at home mama to 4 kids 4 and under with a husband that is a teacher, this really kinda resembles summer break…minus the warm temps, zoo trips, park happenings and family time with grandparents and friends.

but the stress is there. the worry about my husband who is a diabetic. my daughter who has ehlers danlos syndrome. our parents who are in the 65+ age range. grandparents. family businesses who are susceptible to the crumbling effect of our economy. best friends who are in health care. doctors on the front line. the list goes on and on.

while that list goes on, my trust is in the Lord and while that doesn’t take away the pandemic, it does allow me a choice. a very big choice and one that zach and i have chosen, partly because we are responsible for 4 children who look up to us every day, partly because i simply can’t let my mind sit in that unsettling spot… we’re choosing peace and we’re choosing joy.

so as i continue to create content in this space, know that it’s not because we are ignoring what is happening in the world, but we are choosing to teach our children that Jesus is bigger and that they have the ability, no matter what is happening around them or to them, to choose joy + peace.
they will be faced with trials in this world and despite every ounce of my being wishing i could protect them…i can’t. what i CAN do is teach them that in the face of adversity, find beauty. find community {even if that’s through FaceTime or phone calls}. get outside. have dance parties. laugh + turn your face towards the sun and PRAISE GOD for what blessings you have.

we don’t have control over many, many things in this life. we have all learned that within a few days {shoot, even within seconds}, life as we know it can be taken from us…. but we do have control over our attitude, so with that, we’ll be choosing peace.

i hope it’s not long before normalcy returns but until then, i hope you are able to come to this space to find some peace and joy.

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