easter 2019 recap

it is monday and i’m pouring my 3rd cup of coffee, sitting amongst pure c.h.a.o.s. with a sleeping babe next to me and a crazy toddler zooming trucks over piles of mess! we had THE best weekend full of family, talking about jesus and consuming copious amounts of treats.
the perfect weekend for celebrating our savior!

easter sunday we woke up and the kids were beyond excited to find their easter baskets hidden throughout the house. {we went to the saturday service at our church which made for an easy morning at home!} i shared our easter baskets last week and the kids were more than excited for all the arts + crafts…and of course the bandaids.

the big girls begged to do the stained window painting crafts while zach and i ran around like crazy people trying to get ready… target dollar spot for the win! when we finally pulled it together and got 4 kids in the car, we were only 10 minutes late for brunch with my side of the family!

after brunch with my family, the country club had an easter egg hunt with the easter bunny and the kids had such a fun time collecting eggs!

i couldn’t handle how cuuuute miller was in that jacket!!

the cousins.. see also, BFFs.

after brunch we headed back to my mom + stepfathers with the rest of the family {my sister + fam, dad + stepmom, and grandparents} for yet another easter egg hunt, an adult easter egg hunt and playing outside. it turned out to be a gorgeous day and we were all in heaven with the warmer temps!

around nap time, we loaded our crew into the car to head over to zach’s families house for more play time, tractor rides, front porch sittin + supper. we are so blessed to have our families so close in distance and cousins who all love each other and have a blast playing together.

it truly was the best day celebrating jesus’ resurrection!

i hope you had the most wonderful weekend with your family!

He is risen indeed.

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