family vacation 2019 | florida part 1

we’re coming off of one of the best weeks and for sure our favorite family vacation to date!! we have a time share  on the gulf coast of florida that i’ve been going to with my family since i was born and it remains one of my favorite places on the planet. it sits on one of the most beautiful beaches, known for it’s shells, paired with a great pool, it’s the perfect vacation spot!
we travel with my sister/brother-in-law then meet my mom/step-dad, stepsister and her fam + my aunt and her boyfriend down there.

we fly out of cincinnati or columbus depending on where we can get the cheapest non-stop flights and then we’re a traveling circus with 6 kids 5 and under. all things considered, the kids do amazing through the airport and on the flight and we pretty much have it down to a science. zach drops us off at ‘departures’ and then it’s teamwork to get bags all checked. we gate check carseats + the stroller so everything gets piled on the stroller with miller while i wear maisley. security is normally the most stressful part but really, it all went fine. they spilled a bag of breastmilk but since i have so much, it was just a minor hiccup and we were on the flight! we flew delta for this trip and it was great!! each seat had its own little tv that you could play games or watch a movie on….including baby shark so all the kids were entertained! i fed maisley during take off like i’ve done with all the kids and then she pretty much slept for the flight!

in recent years we’ve started traveling thursday, staying in a cheap hotel over night {with a pool!} and heading to our condo on friday so we have all day friday to play. my brother-in-law is genius when it comes to travel so this year we ordered all of our groceries online and if it worked out the way it was supposed to {it didn’t..}, we should have been able to quickly pick-up groceries…next year will be flawless!!

the days all look fairly similar with some slight variances through the week.

we start the day off with a workout… one of my favorite parts of the week! my sister is such a huge inspiration to me when it comes to working out and determination. we do a beachbody workout {we did sean t week!} on the tennis courts, sweating our booty off and then head back to get some breakfast and quickly change + apply sunscreen with the kids!

most mornings are spent at the beach and this year the kids LOVED it!! from collecting shells to playing in the waves, we filled the morning with laughter and the sand between our toes!!

so many questions about swim suits… my favorite suits are from kortni jeane and while we’ve collaborated in the past, i have purchased quite a few as well {i always snag them when they’re on sale!!} and they hold up beautifully. i can get at least 2 years out of the suits with the kids {more for me!} and they still look amazing. i like to mix and match and typically shy away from 2 pieces for the girls but i’m obsessed with all of these cuts!

the kids did amazing all week…had a blast playing in the sand and for the sake of not having 100 pictures in one blog post…i’m splitting our vaca into two different posts….beach vs. pool!

beach photo dump


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