filling their buckets | 1:1 time with your kids

one of the things i’m most intentional about as we have grown our family is spending one on one time with each of our kids. zach and i never quite got the opportunity to experience just one babe with the twins being our firsts, so we never knew what it was like to just have one. i think there’s so many sides to twins that you just don’t understand unless you’ve had them but among one of my top tips for parents of multiples is to celebrate them as individuals. our girls have always had a special bond and i hope that continues to grow and flourish, but they’re also their own person. they have their own personalities, their own likes, dislikes, ways they feel loved and certainly their own way of needing love.
as we’ve grown our family, i’ve made a conscious effort to make sure i’m spending time investing in each babe individually. they all learn, love and do life differently and i have found when their little buckets are running on empty, things start to go haywire. negative behaviors start popping up and they start seeking attention in all the wrong ways. it doesn’t have to be hard though, so i’m sharing a few ways i make point to fill these little buckets!
**i did a unit when i was teaching in the classroom all about being a ‘bucket filler’. while this concept is adapted, it’s the concept from this book! so great especially going into the new school year!**

first, take a minute and think about you’re babes.
lila? she seeks 1:1 time doing. whether it’s reading, playing, doing a puzzle, cooking, cleaning, she just wants my attention. this is the hardest one for me because with 4 babes, i rarely have alone time unless i make it. 
piper? she seeks touch. i can always always tell when she’s needing her bucket filled because she becomes my shadow, hanging on my leg, playing with my hair, sitting on any part of me she can. she just wants to snuggle.
miller? i’m still working to figure it out but i think he’s just like lila…just 1:1 time to be busy together.

get creative
whether you stay at home with multiple babes or go to work, you probably have a hard time finding the time to get that one on one time…but get creative! here’s some ways we sneak it in:
nap time: i put all the babes down for nap and let one of them stay up for 15-20 minutes alone. we typically go grab the mail, share a milkshake, play a game, read books, drive cars, do a puzzle, or just sit and chat and play with hair. it doesn’t  have to be fancy or crazy, but that 15 minutes is special and they LOVE it.
errands: if you or your significant has an errand to run, bring only one babe!
special dates: go get your nails done, putt putt, the park, a hike, breakfast/lunch/dinner
a simple walk around the neighborhood past bedtime {summer is great for this if bed time is before it gets dark!}

birthday special day
it doesn’t always have to be me… we’re very blessed to have family close but we started a tradition with my sister’s kids to skip presents for birthdays and stick to a special day! my nephews think zach is the coolest person on the planet so we schedule a day on the calendar he gets to spoil them with his presence. it’s amazing what a gift your time is to someone!! we’ve since adopted it with the girls and miller starts next year… they get to choose what they want to do and get the adult’s undivided attention!

One thought on “filling their buckets | 1:1 time with your kids

  1. Love this! Love that we had a weekend with Miller! Love to all! ❤️🐝🐰🐾

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