miller lee 2.5 years | hot rod photo shoot

it’s been a hot minute since i’ve posted about this big kid and when lauren asked if we’d be up for a hot rod photo shoot with mills you better believe i hopped on that real fast. miller is into anything with a motor and this old gas station was the perfect back drop for the shoot that every boy needs. i made miller and lauren both promise me we’d be re-shooting this for his graduation pictures… gah, cue the tears.

this. this is the face he gives me every time he’s about to do something ornery.

just a mama embarrassing her son, wiping lipstick off his mouth.

that’s me. calling Time and begging him to slow the heck down.

miller lee.
you’re perfect. and ornery. and you take stinker pot to an entirely new level i never knew was possible. you’re independent and a mama’s boy and yet your daddy runs your entire world.
you somehow potty trained yourself in 5 days without me lifting a finger last week.
you know all your colors and reading books is the only time you will sit for longer than 20 seconds….but it’s your favorite.
you want to be a big kid with every ounce of your tiny being and i lose track of how many times ‘no ME do it’ comes out of your mouth within 10 minutes of you being awake.
your diet is 95% muffins and 5% yogurt and fruit.
you live for anything that goes. . golf carts. trucks. cars. trains. but construction equipment, tractors and airplanes are the most exciting.
you love your sisters more than i could ever have dreamed… your whole goal in life is to make maisley laugh and to keep up with the big girls.
you have two speeds. 100mph and sleeping. and speaking of sleep, we FINALLY found that melatonin is the magic medicine.
despite my best efforts, i’m terrible at keeping you in shoes and at least 1 day out of the week you are out in public barefoot.
you finally want to wear your glasses and will ask for them so your head doesn’t hurt… a new development since these pics were snapped. a significant astigmatism in both eyes that in all honesty is the cutest accessory i’ve ever seen.
you’re kind. and funny. and sweet.
you think toots are the funniest things in the world….specifically to come and sit on my lap then do it.
you will forever be my little man and you are going to do GREAT things in this world.

you’re everything my heart never knew it needed and i will forever thank God for the honor of raising you.
buddy, we love you. SO so much.

and. you WILL be doing this again with your mama in another 15 years. k? k.

the BIGGEST, HUGEST thank you to ivory lamb photography for making this little man’s dreams {and his mama’s!} come true with SUCH a fun photo shoot! your talent is breathtaking!

One thought on “miller lee 2.5 years | hot rod photo shoot

  1. Very interesting comments about Miller. A few of those things I have witnessed firsthand and they are hilarious! He is truly a joy to be around and is extremely kind. Love you both! ❤️🐝❤️👦🏼

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