Organize / Declutter in 2023| Tips to get started

Looking to organize and declutter your life for 2023 then you’ve come to the right place! Start 2023 off to a fresh start.


Looking to organize and declutter your life for 2023 then you’ve come to the right place!  The task of decluttering your home may sound daunting, but take advantage of the little chunks of time you have you’ll slowly make progress of organizing your life. Trust me I totally understand the thought of “how am I going to finish this or I just don’t have the time!!”.  Anytime you can find to chip away at the project you’ll slowly see a difference in your home!   Here are a few tips to help you GET ORGANIZED !


Organization tips + tricks

Find your biggest pain points

1. Choose one of the top 3 biggest pain points in your home {for me its closets, bathroom and kitchen}.  These places in your home are normally locations you find you’re putting all your catch all items and items keep just piling up.   Find a good starting point that you feel comfortable with and go from there.


Trust me it was very intimating to get started, but after taking the first step, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!


The use of 3 boxes

2. Have 3 boxes ready to go as you start to organize.   One for donation (donate to your local shelters! ) *** local friends, I like to donate to the Artemis center for Women’s and kids***, one for trash and one for relocation items that need to be in another spot in your home.  Its amazing how items seem to gravitate all over your house, but such an amazing feeling to put your home back in order!!

Be VERY honest with yourself

3.  As you’re going room to room be VERY honest with yourself….. Do we need this item?  Have a worn this shoes in the past year??  Is it one of the top 5 toys my child plays with?  How often do we use it?   Is it broken or do we have all the pieces?  If you find yourself truly answering these questions you’ll be donating and throwing out items easier and not even thinking of twice about keeping it!:)  You’ll realize very quickly that you don’t really need all the things you keep around in every room.

I am an absolute shoe LOVER, but realized I needed to donate or get rid of some my shoes… not to mention, thanks to early menopause, my feet grew – who knew THAT was a thing?!  I asked myself “when was the last time I wore these shoes and are they comfortable?” – if I couldn’t answer this they were given away!!   

Just Start!!!!!

4.  The hardest part to all of this is JUST STARTING!!   Its okay to do take your time and do little pieces at a time.   You can’t eat an elephant in one bit, but starting is the ultimate FIRST step.  Just jumping on board is the hardest part and letting items go with become easier and easier as you move from room to room.

Use Time Laspe

5.   Another fun tip is to put your phone up on time lapse.   This tip will help you focus on the project in front of you!  We’re all guilty of the time we spend scrolling on our phone –  the time laspe is fun to look at when you’re done as see your visual success.  I loved looking back and seeing what I accomplished and the feeling was soo soo refreshing!!!

After Closet Decluttering

After pics!!!  Success was made and feels great to decluttering my life into 2023!!! AND…. we’re not done yet, but I want you to the progress and know this is REAL LIFE…It’s okay its’ not pinterest worthy- I’ll get you there, but work with me here!:)

Stay tuned for the capsule closet, bathroom decluttering and so much much more!!!!

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