sleepy saturdays with finn + emma | life lately

we’ve officially been ‘home’ for 5 weeks now.. and i say that lightly because we were really only home for a week before jumping on a plane heading down to florida, then turning around to be home for a couple weeks before road tripping it down to the lake.  all these trips sure make time fly by… i still can’t get over that miller has been making us a family of 5 for over a month.  if there’s one thing this sweet boy isn’t short on, it’s love.

these two big sisters love him more than i ever thought possible and he will certainly never, ever, have a sense of personal space.
i am finding myself saying on the regular:
‘take the blanket off his face’
‘please don’t pick him up’
”he doesn’t want that toy right now’
‘that’s enough kisses for now’
‘no, you can’t climb in his swing with him’
as a certain little girl is trying to squeeze my nipple….’you drink out of a big girl cup… only miller drinks from mommy’s boob….’ ay.
this poor baby will never ever get a full feeding when daddy goes back to work.

i am so thankful to have such a perfect addition to our circus… so patient, such a sweet old soul. he puts up with all of the chaos around him and is nothing but snuggles for anyone who wants to love on him.

aside from the vacations, life has had to slow down for us which is a different but welcomed pace.  we’re still out and about because, well, 2 toddlers won’t just sit in a house day in and out without destroying it in .25 seconds…but they’re adjusting fairly well.
lila has become extremely attached to me and cries every time she thinks i’m leaving, but overall they’re doing just as i expected.
piper has regressed in the toilet training department which i called from the very beginning.  true life: she is having {on average} at least one accident per day, mainly when i’m feeding miller, but we’re working on it.  i’m trying not to stress about it and go into full on behavior analyst mode, putting together a full behavior plan…but. it might be coming soon 😉

i finally had my first full day flying solo with all 3 babes last week…and i’ll be honest, it was chaos.
everyone was alive when zach came home so i don’t count it a total fail…but. i had been peed on, pooped on, diarrhea on the floor down the hall, 600 {literally} tiny hair ties scattered all over the bathroom + bedroom had every article of clothing torn out of the girls’ closet…all by 9:30am.

i’m basically living on dry shampoo and coffee… switching to decaf by the afternoon #becausebreastfeeding . . zach came home the other day and asked if i had a good day and i said, ‘yea! oh, and i showered…’ and he said, ‘you mean you sprayed that stuff in your hair??’ bahaha. #yep.

but this crew… they’re mine. watching the girls snuggle miller, attend to his every cry, and basically have nothing short of a panic attack if he’s not in their direct line of view, hovering if anyone else wants to hold him… it’s everything i could dream of and more.

and one of the highlights of adding a third to the bundle?! MATCHING JAMS!! if you’ve been around here at all you know my slight obsession with the girls coordinating with every outfit. add in a baby boy?! i could gobble them up.
let’s talk about these jams… .

finn + emma

the girls were obsessed as soon as they saw the elephants… they bawled their eyes out the first morning i told them they had to put clothes on to go to an appointment. toddler problems, i tell ya!
made out of buttery-soft organic cotton, these jams are perfect for sleeping or lazy weekends, lounging around.  G.O.T.S. certified, using eco-friendly dyes, you never have to sacrifice style for sustainability.  one of the many things i love about finn + emma is that their garments are produced in fair trade settings that focus on social and economic independence for local people, women especially, working to provide for their families in a safe environment.
i can always get behind a brand that is also doing good!

my mama heart is looking forward to many more sleepy saturday’s with this crazy crew!

**a special thank you to finn + emma for providing these adorable jammies to review! as always, opinions expressed are 100% my own.

lila + piper jammies c/o
miller jammies c/o
dockAtot c/o

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