weekend round up

good morning and happy monday tuesday!
I hope you had a beautiful long weekend!  this weekend is about more than just summer weather, cookouts and swimming, so I want to take the time to thank everyone who has served and sacrificed for our country to make it what it is today.  I am so thankful and my heart aches with the sacrifice men and women constantly give so that we can have cookouts and splash in the pool.
this weekend was filled with so much fun + family for us and we soaked up every single second! it’s FINALLY summer weather and the girls have no clue what is in store!
we really didn’t have anything on the schedule other than hanging out with our families with really good food.  not much can beat that, right?!
FullSizeRender.jpgI finally got some time in the garden and check out this beauty that I snipped to bring in!
Zach’s first official day of summer was Friday so he took the day to get work on his truck and get it ready for the big barn he’s about to tear down.
IMG_0095.JPGthe girls and I took the opportunity to splash, splash, splash.   we filled up the water table, made the not-yet-sandbox into a kiddie pool, slapped on some sunscreen, baby bonnets, our beloved Goldenhill Design halters and headed to the backyard!
as always, Lila thinks it’s hilarious and Piper isn’t so amused with my billion pictures I try to snap.
we headed over to mammaw and pappaws for some quick squeezes before calling it a night.  a definite plus for all this gorgeous weather – these gals sleep hard at night.  so busy playing they are exhausted for bed time!
FullSizeRender-8.jpgSaturday was pretty low key other than getting a surprise visit from the girls great-grandparents during supper! these little girls (and the little boys of the family!) are so blessed to be surrounded by so many family who love and adore them!!
FullSizeRender-6.jpgSunday was a little more action filled starting with going over to mammaw and pappaw’s house for a light lunch.  Zach ended up taking the girls home for nap time while I went on a 4 mile walk with mammaw and her friend! it is SO nice to get outside and get some exercise… those ladies sure know how to get that heart pumpin!  Zach picked me up after the girls’ nap and we went to Christine and Mark’s for a cookout with grandma and grandpa.  if there is one sure thing in life, it’s that my dad knows how to cook.  he even surprised us with my most faaaavorite strawberry angel food cake as dessert.  talk about some serious cravings.
FullSizeRender-7.jpgMonday started out a bit more adventure-filled than I would have liked with little miss Piper having an allergic reaction (I think to the amoxicillin she’s on for her ear infection). after we got that under control we headed over to grammie and grampies for some swimmin time!!
Lila absolutely LOVED the pool and threw a fit when it was time to get out.
just keep swimmin, just keep swimmin…anyone?
Piper wasn’t quite havin it, but really I think it had to do with how bad her rash got outside.  So she spent most of the day hangin with whover was outside of the pool.
the girls love all of their cousins and it cracks me up to watch them babble with each other.
everyone ended with a quick rinse off in the tub before we all called it a night.
Zach and I called it a night and crawled under shortly after getting the girls down.
with a final kiss goodnight, I went to sleep thanking God for all of His blessings.
weekend photo dump:



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